carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen carmen

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


今天早上一早又要补课了~可怜~ ~~到学校第一件事就是找aunty wong~ ~~她真勤劳 ~~~7.30am前到学校 ~~~绝不迟到 ~~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… 上完了lecture class,也就是IA~~~我就和那几位uncle N aunty走到学校附近吃东西~~~我吃了一碗粥和一杯豆浆水~~NICE YA!!!~~~好久没喝豆浆水了~~~ 过后我们到学校CC online~~~不久2点就快到了~~~闷的时间也到了~~~我们快步走到colege hall~~~在哪儿呆了3个钟头~~~闷到发霉了~~~有很多人睡觉玩电话~~~还有人玩偷拍~~~拍了这张“照片”~~~lol~~~无言~~~还写什么“成功男人背后的女人”~~~shit...yaksii la~~~my image destroyed!!!!!!!!!! 过不久回家了~~~在婆婆家睡了1个钟头~~妈妈才来~~不过那个钟头等于我的一天体力~~~O(∩_∩)O哈哈~

Sunday, June 26, 2011

tis 1 is the smallest little princess....
she mouth always SWEET when talking wit you!!!!!!
Tis time go back Bentong really feel like boring!!!
"The Ghost Must Crazy" already see 2 times....
bek tahan~~
but I can drive motor here...there...everywhere....
sei beh shuang!!!!!!
Ntg happens in tis 2dayssss
juz cant online N cant go ceremony of LKEDU...
damn sad!!!!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

first time drive my mum car

the day my mum giv me drive her's car around 5 minit only jek a very bor song lo!!!! on the road u turn ..u turn..n u turn... damn boring!!!


yummy。。yummy。。 笨蛋的我们 那天竟然没有看清楚那张prom0ti0n 结果变成一人叫一盘pizZa__两人share一set 那时候uncle shu最可怜!! 没有声出~~还给我们踢拖鞋~~哇哈哈 不过我们大家都谈的好开心丫~~( ⊙ o ⊙ )! 吃最慢又是我!! 没办法~ 小姐吃东西就是将慢...... wakaka uncle,auntie们 next time jom again!!! O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ auntie wong!!!! next time dun sesak jalan lagi wor....... haha


我和我班的几位auntie N uncle N monitor N dailou 到Mcdonald 吃午餐 各自买了不同的set lunch
唯有我___happy meal :)
Monitor: 谁买的??
uncle N auntie :ne ne ne........
最重要是我的master shifu中辣椒酱!!!!!

☺☻My DAC 11 monit0r Birthday card☺☻

I really bek tahan for tis birthday card......
1st time do it...
pretty nice and super funny loo!!! wakaka....
Once again..happy birthday to my DAC 11 monitor...7/6/2011...
May your dream come true!!!!!!